Over 2000 years ago, in today's Windisch, Vindonissa, the roman camp for legionary was found. Over time over 10 000 civilians settled around the camp....
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7 °C
Habsburg Palace is the main residence of the Habsburg royal family. Ever since their twin castle was founded in 1020, the House of Habsburg went on striving for glory and imperial...
10 °C
Hallwyl Castle was founded in the late 12th century. It owes its name to the noble Aargau family of Hallwyl who lived in the castle for 800 years....
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10 °C
The Königsfelden Monastery is surrounded by a spacious park. It is situated on the area of the Roman legionary camp of Vindonissa, together with the legionary path. The monastery...
7 °C
Wildegg Castle consists of several buildings which can all be visited. Inside the castle there is a living museum. The castle is surrounded by a vegetable...
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14 °C
Lenzburg Castle is one of the most beautiful and important high-altitude castles in Switzerland . The present castle complex has a building history of 900...
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14 °C