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Weather in China

-10 °C
-5 °C
10 °C
15 °C
20 °C
25 °C
30 °C
35 °C
40 °C
East China
A mix of sun and cloud is in store in the forenoon for the north, south, west and east today. The day will be partly cloudy with sunny intervals. Temperatures are not far from normal, but the breeze from the southwest keeps it from feeling as warm as it could if there were no wind.
30 °C
33 °C
32 °C
31 °C
North China
500 m: up to 30 °C
The sky is covered by clouds today in the north, south, west and east. The temperature is about 31 °C. There is a gentle wind coming from the south.
31 °C
33 °C
34 °C
28 °C
Travel Deals & Tips

Welcome to the Middle Kingdom

With approximately 1.3 billion inhabitants, China is the most heavily populated country in the world. Big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Hongkong with their numerous cultural attractions are especially popular with tourists.

But China has a scenic side as well. Bordering Tibet, the country's South is home to impressive mountain ranges. At the same time, the North offers you beautiful white sandy beaches for some seaside relaxing.

North and South also differ regarding their climate: South China is characterised by tropical climate, and Tibetian heights have a mountain climate. North China, however, is marked by hot summers and cold winters.

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