National Tourism Organisation of Serbia

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StreetCika Ljubina
Postal Code11000
Telephone++381 (0)11 6557-127
Country: Serbia

Entries by National Tourism Organisation of Serbia

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About National Tourism Organisation of Serbia

The National Tourism Organisation of Serbia (NTOS) was founded in 1994 as a government organisation to promote and improve tourism in the Republic of Serbia in both the domestic and foreign tourism markets, with the aim of affirming the value and potential of the country’s tourist industry. NTOS is the legal successor of the former Tourist Association of Serbia.





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NOVI SAD - in the Serbian language, the word 'sad' means 'plantation', or synonymically 'garden', 'yard' or 'bed of flowers'. The first impression of this city is how well-kept and...
50 °F
Near the charming Ibar river gorge, surrounded by high protective walls, rises the monastery of Studenica – the endowment of Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja, who was the founder of the...


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