
Slovenský Raj national park is one of the most beautiful conservation areas in Slovakia. The so-called "Slovak Paradise" invites you for impressive hikes and bike tours. Its area is characterised by its canyons, waterfalls, and caves. You will also find monuments dating back to the very fist settlements in the Zips region. Approximately 90% of the park is covered in spruce forests. The area features a unique mineral wealth, as well as diverse flora and fauna. The forests are home to bears, lynxes, and wolves, among others.
The most popular destinations include Suchá Belá and Veľký Sokol ravines, Prielom Hornádu, and Kyseľ. The ledge of Tomášovský výhľad, or Kláštorisko with its ruins of an old Carthusian monastery are also among the favourites. For a special highlight, visit Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa, one of the largest ice caves in the world.
Visitors can start at Spišská Nová Ves, Čingov, and Podlesok in the north, or Dedinky in the south. When planning a trip to Slovak Paradise, be careful about the route you pick: some of the waterfalls and canyons on the ways are not that easy to cross!
Historical Information
Slovenský Raj is one of Slovakias most recent national parks. While it was already put under conservation in 1964, it only got the title of national park in 1988. This title grants the area a higher degree of protection. Around one fifth of the surface is divided into nature reservations, putting them under even stricter conservation.
How to get there
Slovenský Raj is located in the east of Slovakia. Nearby towns like Spišská Nová Ves, Čingov, Podlesok, or Dedinky grant direct access to the hiking trails. If you're staying a bit further away, you can drive relatively close to the conservation area, where you will find carparks for a fee.