map of all tourist attractions in the Region Kosice and its environs

Tourist Attractions in the Region Kosice and its environs

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  • max.102$
Slovenský Raj national park is one of the most beautiful conservation areas in Slovakia. The so-called "Slovak Paradise" invites you for impressive hikes and bike tours. Its area is...
28 °F
Spiš Castle, located in the northwest of Slovakia, is one of the largest castle sites in Central Europe . Its walls comprise an incredible 41,000 square...
Adult €16
Child €8
Sen. €10
32 °F
The cave Jasovská jaskyna lies on the eastern edge of the karst area Slovenský kras in Slovakia. Because of its great importance and uniqueness, it was...
Adult €10
Child €5
Sen. €9
34 °F
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  • At the moment there are 3 tourist attractions online in the Region Kosice and its environs
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