1640 ft: up to 45 °F
3281 ft: up to 41 °F
6562 ft: up to 30 °F
In the morning, there is plenty of rain to deal with in the north. In the noon, the rain will ease off slightly. In the noon, the weather will be partly rainy. The sky will cloud up in the evening and a mix of sleet, freezing rain and snow is forecast. In the south, the forenoon is mostly cloudy, refreshed with some occasional rain in the midday. In the noon, the weather will be partly rainy. The sky will cloud up in the evening and sleet is forecast. In the east, a lot of rainfall is expected in the morning, which will turn into sleet in the noon. A storm system is expected to bring rain, sleet and accumulating snow. In the morning, scattered showers in the west are expected to change into lasting, intense rainfalls in the noon. A lot of rainfall is expected in the noon, which will turn into sleet in the evening. There is a gentle wind coming from the west.