map of all tourist attractions in Ille-et-Vilaine

Tourist Attractions in Ille-et-Vilaine

has more views than
  • max.102$
The city of Saint-Malo rears its head proudly at the north of the Breton coast . The fortress walls of the most important harbor of the region have a...
Adult €8
Sen. €5
45 °F
The Chateau de Fougères is a castle in the commune of Fougères in the Ille-et-Vilaine département of France. The first protection systems of the castle...
Adult €10
Child €5
Sen. €10
45 °F
Brittany is well-known for its dolmen and megaliths. In many places you can discover the imposing stone monuments and absorb their magic. The biggest dolmen...
Adult €3
Sen. €3
52 °F
Numerous myths and legends are entwined around the mystic Forest of Brocéliande in the heart of Brittany, as the story of King Artus begins here. Follow the traces of the king and his...
43 °F
Explore the most beautiful underwater landscapes on earth surrounded by sharks and giant turtles at the Saint-Malo Grand Aquarium. The aquarium,...
Adult €18.50
Child €13.50
Sen. €18.50
45 °F

The 5 most popular Tourist Attractions in Ille-et-Vilaine

1.The castle Saint-Malo
2.Chateau de Fougères
3.La Roche aux Fées: The Rock of the Fairies near Rennes
4.The Forest of Brocéliande: La Forêt de Brocéliande
5.Grand Aquarium de Saint-Malo
Complete Ranking

Tourist Attractions in Ille-et-Vilaine

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