map of all tourist attractions in Finistère

Tourist Attractions in Finistère

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  • max.111$
The Île Vierge measures 82,5 meters and is the highest lighthouse in Europe. It belongs to the small village Plouguerneau in the Département Finistère....
Adult €7
Child €4
Sen. €7
55 °F
The Lighthouse of Eckmühl (Phare d'Eckmühl) rises 60 metres above the sea at the Cornouaille headland, one of the most dangerous places on the Breton...
Adult €4
Child €2
Sen. €4
57 °F
In the Département Finistère , at the end of the world so to say, lies the Pointe du Raz, a stony cape forming the peak of Cape Sizun . The rugged cliff at the Atlantic ocean, once...
57 °F
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  • At the moment there are 4 tourist attractions online in Finistère
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