Klassik Stiftung Weimar

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Postal Code99423
Country: Germany

Entries by Klassik Stiftung Weimar

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Belvedere Palace is beautifully located withing an extensive park garden in the south of the Thuringian city Weimar. Since the early 1920s, Palace...
Adult €7
39 °F
The Goethe National Museum is the most significant museum about German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's life. The museum consists of the historical...
Adult €13
39 °F
The Duchess Anna Amalia Library was one of the first publicly accessible princely libraries in Germany. Wieland, Goethe, Schiller and Herder had already...
Adult €8
39 °F
The Bauhaus Museum Weimar tells the story of the State Bauhaus in Weimar, the most important university for design of the 20th century. Among the highlights...
Adult €10
Sen. €7
39 °F


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