Amt für Tourismus und Stadtmarketing Straubing

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Postal Code94315
Country: Germany

Entries by Amt für Tourismus und Stadtmarketing Straubing

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The 68 metre high city tower once served as a fire and watchtower and is now the landmark of the city of Straubing. On the top floor of the tower, in the Türmerwohnung lived...
The Gäubodenmuseum gives an insight into the history of the city of Straubing and its surroundings, the Gäuboden. The highlight is the Roman department,...
Adult €5
The Straubing Zoo is home to around 1,700 animals from 200 species, including exotic species such as parrots, crocodiles and lions, as well as native...
Adult €9.50
Child €6
Sen. €7


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