map of all tourist attractions in the Saarland

Tourist Attractions in the Saarland

has more views than
  • max.104$
If you want to explore the world of Ancient Rome in an interactive and exciting way, visit Villa Borg on the edge of the German federal state...
Adult €6
Child €2
27 °F
The Historical Museum Saar offers a varied programme for anyone interested in history and culture. The museum's exhibition informs visitors...
Adult €7
Sen. €4
28 °F
If you get to travel through Saarland, a beautiful and small German federal state, you shouldn't miss visiting a particular sight: Völklinger Hütte. It...
Adult €17
28 °F
The treetop path in the small spa town of Orscholz in Saarland takes you high above the ground. Over a length of almost 1.3 kilometres, the path winds...
Adult €12.50
Sen. €11.50
27 °F
The newspaper has always been a medium that plays a very special role in our society. As a result, she can always tell a very special story, not only about...
Adult €5
30 °F

The 5 most popular Tourist Attractions in the Saarland

1.Roman Villa Borg
2.Historical Museum Saar
3.Völklinger Hütte
4.Treetop Path Saarschleife Mettlach
5.German Newspaper Museum Wadgassen
Complete Ranking

Tourist Attractions in the Saarland

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  • At the moment there are 5 tourist attractions online in the Saarland
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