map of all tourist attractions Innsbruck and its holiday villages

Museums Innsbruck and its holiday villages

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The Hofkirche is home to the tomb of Emperor Maximilian. This makes it one of the most important monuments in Tyrol. The grave is surrounded by 28...
Adult €9
Sen. €7
48 °F
The Tyrolean Folk Art Museum houses the most important collection of cultural artefacts from the Old Tyrol region. The collected exhibits mainly come...
Adult €14
Sen. €11
48 °F
The Ferdinandeum was once one of the oldest museums of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. And even today it still ranks among the top international museums....
Adult €14
Sen. €11
52 °F
On the Bergisel in the south of Innsbruck lies the museum "Tirol Panorama", which is known above all for its giant circular painting. By means of an...
Adult €9
Sen. €7
52 °F
The museum in the Zeughaus is a place of Tyrolean cultural history . The building was built at the beginning of the 16th century by Maximilian I as an...
Adult €14
Sen. €11
48 °F

The 5 most popular Museums Innsbruck and its holiday villages

1.Church Hofkirche
2.Tyrol panorama with Kaiserjägermuseum Innsbruck
3.Tyrolean state museum Ferdinandeum Innsbruck
4.Museum im Zeughaus Innsbruck
5.Museum of Tyrolean heritage Innsbruck
Complete Ranking

Museums Innsbruck and its holiday villages

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