map of all tourist attractions in Massachusetts

Sights and Landmarks in Massachusetts

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The Prudential Tower, or short "The Pru", is a 749 feet (229 m) tall skyscraper in Boston. Its  Skywalk Observatory , an indoor observation deck...
Adult $25
Sen. $23
34 °F
The Bunker Hill Monument is sited on a hill named Breed's Hill on the outskirts of Boston. This place used to be the venue of the first fight between American and British troops...
34 °F
Fenway Park is the famous home stadium of the Red Sox, the Boston major league baseball team. The stadium was built back in 1912 and is one of the...
Adult $25
Child $17
Sen. $25
34 °F
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  • At the moment there are 3 tourist attractions online in Massachusetts
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