Hike Walk around the Sicklinger Mountain in the Bavarian Forest: Position on map

Webcams around the Hike Walk around the Sicklinger Mountain (Bavarian Forest)

Walk around the Sicklinger Mountain
Hauzenberg- Ski Slope Geiersberg
Elevation: 827 m
temporarily unavailable
Waldkirchen in the Bavarian Forest
Elevation: 543 m
The webcam is located at the volunteer fire department Schiefweg and looks southeast to the town Waldkirchen in the Bavarian Forest.
43 minutes ago
Büchlberg - View over quarry lake
Elevation: 527 m
The camera looks from the lookout tower at the quarry over the village of Büchlberg and the quarry lake.
46 minutes ago
Büchlberg - Lookout tower
Elevation: 527 m
Enjoy the view over the village Büchlberg and the quarry lake. The webcam is located on the 25 meter high lookout tower at the quarry Büchlberg....
45 minutes ago
Freyung in the Bavarian Forest
Elevation: 681 m
This webcam gives you a great view over the town of Freyung in the Bavarian Forest. In the background you can see Kreuzberg.
50 minutes ago
Oberfrauenwald Waldkirchen
Elevation: 952 m
The camera offers a wonderful panoramic view from the lookout tower Oberfrauenwald near Waldkirchen in the Bavarian Forest.
27 minutes ago
Mount Geyersberg, Freyung in the Bavarian Forest
Elevation: 771 m
Here you can see the outlook from Mount Geyersberg in Freyung in the Bavarian Forest
31 minutes ago
Waldkirchen - market square
Elevation: 564 m
This webcam shows you the market square of Waldkirchen.
31 minutes ago

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Webcam Information

  • There are 8 webcams dotted around the Hike Walk around the Sicklinger Mountain. The webcams fall into three groups, namely 3 live streaming webcams, 2 panoramic webcams und 3 further webcams.
  • The highest webcam (Oberfrauenwald Waldkirchen) is located at an altitude of 952 metres, while the lowest one (Büchlberg - Lookout tower) is situated at an altitude of 527 metres.
  • Most popular and most viewed/visited webcam: Waldkirchen in the Bavarian Forest.
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