Hike From Gubbio to Valfabbrica Perugia: Position on map

Hike From Gubbio to Valfabbrica

From Gubbio to Valfabbrica


Min: 827 ft
Max: 2198 ft
Uphill: 2241 ft
Downhill: 2838 ft
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last update on Sep 12, 2016
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Distance: 17.93 miles
Min: 827 ft
Max: 2198 ft
Uphill: 2241 ft
Downhill: 2838 ft

Trail characteristics

Hiking trail


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Route description


The tour starts at Piazza 40 Martiri. Walk across the Piazza and turn left onto Via Campo di Marte. Continue into Viale della Rimembranza and turn right at the junction with the sign to Viale Manzoni. You'll reach the church Chiesa della Vittorina. You will also get to a park, where you turn right first and then left into Via Piaggiola. Follow the asphalt road, passed a simple church, which, in earlier days, served as a leprosarium in which Saint Francis kept the ill to cure their leprosy.


The next junction is right by a busy road so pay attention. Now follow Strada Assisana. Close to a bend you have to turn right onto a second road to avoid the dangerous curve. Back on the busy road turn right and keep following a calmer road to an ascent. Shortly after a farm the short but steep ascent starts but you'll get awarded the minute you reach the ridge. Turn around to say goodbye to Gubbio.


Now continue through the Valle del fiume Chiascio and passed the castle on top of the mountains. By day you'll be able to spot the mountains Mole des Subasio. You'll pass an abandoned farmhouse and after approximately 150m you'll reach a spring. Shortly afterwards you'll get to a chapel, where you start ascending through woods until you reach the hermitage San Pietro in Vigneto.


The cart track starting here is a rocky one. Follow the signs and turn right. Pay special attention to the signs as soon as you see the aqueduct's staves. You'll easily get to the ford, where the challenging ascent starts. Be careful. The path is very slippery by rain. At the end of the ascent you'll get to church Caprignone.


Afterwards follow the signs to the left. Watch out for the stream and continue uphill, following the signs. When you hit the asphalt road turn left and follow the path to Castello di Biscina, where you start descending.


Another car track starts just by the abandoned fort. Follow that track until you get to a junction, where you turn left. You'll get to a fountain. During this part of the trail you'll be mainly exposed to blazing sun. The high capacity of Chiascio's levee is essential for the local agriculture. Without the levee this area would be very dry.


Again you'll hit a junction where you'll choose the path leading downhill. Cross a stream, then hike shortly uphill alongside a ditch. You'll get back to the asphalt road, where you ignore the signs to Sambruco and Coccorano to your right and follow the road instead. After about 2km/1,2mi start following the yellow-blue signs of Via di Francesco again. Close to a bridge turn right, then to La Barcaccia, pass the church di San Benedetto and continue to Valfabbrica.


Sturdy shoes necessary

Where to eat

It's a long hike. Don't forget to bring enough food and water.

Interesting facts

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Highlights of the tour

San Pietro in Vigneto hermitage

Definitely stop at San Pietro in Vigneto hermitage. Especially worth seeing are the Byzantine frescos at the entrance portal. Pater Basilio Martin prompted the building's restoration.


Church Caprignone

Also worth seeing is the church Caprignone, which is located by the forest. This church was used as an order's headquarter in 1223 and was dedicated to Saint Francis by Jacopo Bigazzini from Coccorano.


Fort Biscina

The beautiful Fort Biscina was used as a guard post between Perugia and Gubbio in the 12th century.



The history of this town is closely connected to abbey Santa Maria in vado fabricae, one of Umbria's many old monasteries. Obtained is the church with its impressive umbrian frescos. Furthermore you'll find church San Sebastiano in Valfabbrica and outside the fort, the small church San Madonna della Force from 1637.



Sturdy shoes are an absolute must.

Getting here

By car:

Starting in Perugia take E45/SS3, turn right at the junction and follow the signs Gubbio/E45/Cesena. Afterwards continue on E45/SS3, keep straight and take exit Bosco towards Gubbio. Then turn left onto SR298, on which you stay for about 30km/18.6mi. Now continue onto Via Repubblica, which you follow until you turn left onto Via Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour. Eventually take the second turn left and you'll have reached your destination, Piazza 40 Martiri.



Piazza 40 Martiri
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