Tourist Attraction Hainich National Park in Hainich: Position on map

Hainich National Park Bad Langensalza

Hainich National Park
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last update on Apr 30, 2024
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Wildcat at Hainich
© Nationalpark Hainich Wildcat at Hainich

Hainich is a primeval forest in the middle of Germany. Part of UNESCO World Natural Heritage of Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests, the national park was founded in 1997, and makes up the biggest coherent deciduous forest land in Germany.

You can explore Hainich National Park in various ways. Hike trails lead through the forest, but bike tours and horse-back riding are also possible. You can even walk above the treetops of Hainich on the canopy walkway. At the national park centre Thiemsburg, you can learn all about the national park and its inhabitants. There is a focus on the beech as well as environmental issues. The topics are presented age-appropirately and playfully to children.

A special project was dedicated to one particular inhabitant of the park: Wildcat Village Hütscheroda. A close-to-nature wildcat enclosure, a viewing platform, and a themed information centre gives you an understanding of the rare and endangered wildcat.

Interesting facts

How to get there

© Nationalpark Hainich

By car

Hainich National Park features several hiking car parks. Thiemsburg is one of the most popular, as you can get to the canopy walkway as well as to the national park centre Thiemsburg from there. By car, drive from Bad Langensalza towards Zimmer, then turn towards Craula. Coming from Eisenach, follow B84 towards Bad Langensalza, turn towards Craula in Reichenbach, then follow the signs pointing to Bad Langensalza. Thiemsburg car park is located by the road, and only a few minutes' walk from the canopy walkway.

Public Trasportation

Thiemsburg is located south of Bad Langensalza, and can also be accessed on public transportation.


Nationalpark Verwaltung Hainich
Bei der Marktkirche 9
Bad Langensalza
Phone0361 57 3914 000
Fax0361 57 3914 020
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