map of all tourist attractions in North Hesse

Tourist Attractions in North Hesse

has more views than
  • max.102$
Sababurg Palace rises above the zoo of the same name in the middle of the Reinhard forest. The almost 700-year-old castle houses a romantic hotel, a restaurant, a café, and even a...
43 °F
A new German record is being set in Willingen: the longest suspension bridge in Germany has been built after four years of planning and one year of...
Adult €11
41 °F
The treetop path at Lake Edersee in Hesse is located on the edge of the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park at the top of the Eschelberg. With a great view...
Adult €8.90
Sen. €8.90
41 °F
Kellerwald-Edersee National Park is the first national park in Hesse, and comprises 5,738 hectares. It gets its name from the southern part of the Keller mountain crest. Protecting the...
43 °F
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  • At the moment there are 4 tourist attractions online in North Hesse
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