map of all hikes in Baden-Württemberg

Webcams for hikes in Baden-Württemberg

  • I don't care
  • 0-100km
    0-72 h
Elevation: 1,119 m
The webcam is located at Winkellift base station.
20 °C
7 hours ago
Elevation: 793 m
This weathercam in Unterbränd offers a view of Lake Kirnbergsee.
14 hours ago
Elevation: 1,037 m
Have a look at Breitnau.
22 °C
4 hours ago
Elevation: 322 m
Enjoy the view of the Kastelburg, a castle near Waldkirch.
23 °C
5 minutes ago
Elevation: 146 m
Have a look at the city centre of Gaggenau, located within the Black Forest/ Germany.
25 °C
4 minutes ago
Elevation: 564 m
Down in the valley you can spot the town of Baiersbronn.
23 °C
1 minute ago
Elevation: 441 m
18 °C
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 853 m
You can see the ski-jumping hill Hochfirst in Neustadt in the black forest.
24 °C
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 564 m
Down in the valley you can spot the town of Baiersbronn.
27 °C
1 minute ago
Elevation: 838 m
17 °C
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 1,186 m
East view from Kandellifte upper station towards surrounding Black Forest.
20 °C
1 hour ago
Elevation: 929 m
Here you can see the night cross-country ski trail of Baiersbronn
26 °C
1 minute ago
Elevation: 652 m
The webcam is located at "Rauchengrund" close to Elzach, Black Forest.
19 °C
2 minutes ago
Elevation: 671 m
View on the ski lift Ruhestein (Baiersbronn)
26 °C
1 minute ago
Elevation: 929 m
Here you can see the night cross-country ski trail of Baiersbronn
23 °C
1 minute ago
Elevation: 935 m
Your view of the ski lift Kniebis near Freudenstadt.
13 °C
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 960 m
You can see the hut "Rasthütte" situated at the Schwarzwaldhochstraße
20 °C
1 minute ago
Elevation: 933 m
Have a look at the Heimatpfad in Kniebis.
23 °C
1 minute ago
Elevation: 929 m
Here you can see the night cross-country ski trail of Baiersbronn
23 °C
1 minute ago
Elevation: 671 m
View on the ski lift Ruhestein (Baiersbronn)
26 °C
1 minute ago
Elevation: 1,030 m
Webcam located at roof top of Mountain Hotel. You can see lake Mummelsee.
20 °C
6 minutes ago
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