map of all tourist attractions in the Black Forest

Museums in the Black Forest

has more views than
  • max.102$
Vitra Design Museum , located at the trijunction of Germany, France and Switzerland, is among the leading design museums in the world. Visitors learn about...
Adult €15
Sen. €12
Humans have five senses which influence thinking, feeling and acting. In the black forest house of senses in Grafenhausen, in the high black forest...
Adult €8.50
Child €4.50
36 °F
The German Clock Museum is located in the central part of the Baden-Württemberger town Furtwangen in the Black Forest. It shows the production of...
Adult €7
Child €5
Sen. €7
34 °F
Presented in German and French, the entertaining exhibition in Lörrach covers the past and present history of the Three Countries region "Germany -...
Adult €3
Sen. €3
A collection of over 2000 works of art, two temporary exhibitions and a permanent exhibition on 1700 m² as well as a fantastic panoramic view of the Rhine Valley, which can be enjoyed...
41 °F
The former Museum Biedermann in Donaueschingen, now called Museum Art.Plus, presents a comprehensive collection of contemporary art by international...
Adult €6
Sen. €4
37 °F

The 3 most popular Museums in the Black Forest

1.Vitra Design Museum
2.Museum Art Plus Donaueschingen
3.Museum of contemporary art Sammlung Hurrle Durbach
Complete Ranking

Museums in the Black Forest

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  • At the moment there are 6 tourist attractions online in the Black Forest
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