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Webcams in Baden-Württemberg

  • max.85£
Elevation: 117 m
Enjoy the view of Karlsruhe’s Europe Square, which is located in the western part of the pedestrian mall and serves as an important hub for the...
19 °C
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 782 m
Here you can spot one of the waterfalls in Triberg that are amongst the highest in Germany.
24 °C
23 minutes ago
Elevation: 256 m
This webcam is located in Bühlertal, a town between Karlsruhe and Strasbourg, deep in the Black Forest. Weather conditions and the beauty of the...
20 °C
27 minutes ago
Elevation: 491 m
The webcam is located atop the the Stuttgart TV Tower. Depending on the weather conditions, it allows for wonderful views of the city itself.
20 °C
23 minutes ago
Elevation: 164 m
Check out two of Europa-Park's themed areas, namely Portugal and Iceland. Iceland and its wooden roller coaster Wodan can be spotted right behind...
19 °C
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 959 m
Take a look at the webcam at the base station of Hofeck
19 °C
2 hours ago
Elevation: 832 m
Enjoy the view from the castle Hohenzollern in Baden-Wuerttemberg, the former ancestral seat of the Prussian crown.
26 °C
27 minutes ago
Elevation: 99 m
Webcam located in Seckenheim in Mannheim. You can see the sky of Mannheim.
18 °C
26 minutes ago
Elevation: 991 m
The camera shows the ski lift Heidstein in Münstertal Wieden in the Black Forest.
19 °C
36 minutes ago
Elevation: 491 m
The webcam is located atop the the Stuttgart TV Tower. Depending on the weather conditions, it allows for wonderful views of the city itself.
18 °C
23 minutes ago
Elevation: 118 m
Webcam located at riverside of Neckar. You can see the old town of Heidelberg, the old bridge and Heidelberg Castle.
17 °C
26 minutes ago
Elevation: 255 m
This webcam shows you the Hotel Krafft in the old city of Basel in Switzerland.
23 °C
49 minutes ago
Elevation: 482 m
This webcam allows you to get an overview of the traffic situation of the B10 near Ulm.
25 °C
29 minutes ago
Elevation: 256 m
The webcam is located directly on Market Place in Stuttgart.
18 °C
36 minutes ago
Elevation: 491 m
The webcam is located atop the the Stuttgart TV Tower. Depending on the weather conditions, it allows for wonderful views of the city itself.
18 °C
23 minutes ago
Elevation: 491 m
The webcam is located atop the the Stuttgart TV Tower. Depending on the weather conditions, it allows for wonderful views of the city itself.
18 °C
23 minutes ago
Elevation: 1,035 m
The webcam is located at lake Mummelsee in the Black Forest.
20 °C
31 minutes ago
Elevation: 353 m
This webcam shows the city center of Bad Mergentheim from the top of the Ketterberg, which is located in the northeast of the city.
17 °C
50 minutes ago
Elevation: 865 m
26 °C
23 minutes ago
Elevation: 482 m
This webcam allows you to get an overview of the traffic situation of the B10 near Ulm.
25 °C
29 minutes ago
Elevation: 491 m
The webcam is located atop the the Stuttgart TV Tower. Depending on the weather conditions, it allows for wonderful views of the city itself.
20 °C
23 minutes ago
Elevation: 457 m
Located at the city hall the webcam shows the historic city of Ravensburg. Ravensburg is located in the south of Baden-Wuerttemberg near Lake...
17 °C
temporarily unavailable
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