Tourist Attraction Bavarian National Museum in Munich: Position on map

Webcams near the Tourist Attraction Bavarian National Museum

Bavarian National Museum
TUM Campus im Olympiapark - Olympic Park Munich
Elevation: 508 m
Have a look at the Olympiapark in Munich from top of the Olympiaturm.
50 minutes ago
Munich (Bavaria) - Main Station
Elevation: 520 m
This webcam shows you live pictures of Munich, the capital and one of the largest city of Bavaria in Germany.
19 minutes ago
Munich - Olympic Parc and Stadium
Elevation: 519 m
Check out the view from the Olympic tower towards the Olympic stadium in Munich.
54 minutes ago
Webcam at the Marienplatz, Munich
Elevation: 522 m
This webcam is installed at the Shopping Center of Ludwig Beck and shows the often crowded Marienplatz in the city center of Munich, Bavaria.
52 minutes ago
Munich: Kestrel Nest
Elevation: 548 m
The webcam shows the nest of the kestrels in the municipal high-rise building at Blumenstraße 28b in Munich. In March, the female usually lays...
temporarily unavailable
Isar in Munich - Southern Flaucher
Elevation: 520 m
Enjoy the view of the Flaucher River, which is located along the Isar River in Munich. The webcam is located at its local park close to the...
temporarily unavailable
Isar in Munich - Northern Flaucher
Elevation: 519 m
View of the northern Flaucher in Munich, Bavaria. The webcam is located at Flaucherpark, close to the open-air pub Zum Flaucher.
temporarily unavailable
Marienplatz Munich, Bavaria
Elevation: 518 m
This webcam looks over Marienplatz in Munich.
9 minutes ago

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