map of all tourist attractions in Hesse

Museums in Hesse

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MMK - Museum of Modern Art is located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It is one of the world's most important museums of Modern Art. Although it is still a...
Adult €16
10 °C
The Städel Museum in Frankfurt is considered one of the most significant and oldest museum foundations in Germany. It houses an impressive collection of...
Adult €16
Sen. €16
10 °C
The Mathematikum Gießen is the world's first mathematics interactive museum. Since its opening in November 2002, 150,000 visitors a year have...
Adult €10
Sen. €7.50
The Jewish Museum Frankfurt consists of two branches: the Rothschild Palace and the Museum Judengasse. Together, they form an important cultural...
Adult €12
Sen. €12
10 °C
The history of Weilburg is marked by the time as a baroque residential town on the one hand and by mining on the other. This is also documented by the...
Adult €4.50

The 5 most popular Museums in Hesse

1.Museum of Modern Art
2.Mathematikum Giessen
3.Städel Museum Frankfurt
4.Mining and Municipal Museum Weilburg
5.Jewish Museum in Frankfurt
Complete Ranking
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