Tourist Attraction Tollwood Festival Munich in Munich: Position on map

Tollwood Festival Munich

Tollwood Festival Munich
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last update on Apr 18, 2024
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Circus Oz is one of the highlights at the winter Tollwood.
Foto: Rob Blackburn Circus Oz is one of the highlights at the winter Tollwood.

Twice every year, Munich is home to popular Tollwood Festival. Traditionally made up of the Market of Ideas, an organic foodcourt, and a diverse programme of music, theatre, performance, and art, the festival attracts a total of about 1.5 million visitors every year. Tolerance, internationality, and openness are at the centre of each festival. The organisers believe that culture should be available to everyone, which is why over 70 percent of the events are open to public free of charge.

The Summer Festival

On 25 days in June and July of every year, summer Tollwood opens its doors at Olympiapark South. Approximately 50 food booths, and over 200 merchants offering handicrafts make up the Market of Ideas. The stage features a variety of acts. Theatre and performance art have as much of a place here as stars of the national and international music scene. The festival has been known to engage important figures such as Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, or Deep Purple.

The Winter Festival

In the winter, Tollwood turns Theresienwiese, otherwise known as venue of the famous Oktoberfest, into an „alternative Christmas market“. Then, the Market of Ideas features wintry treats (perfect organic quality of course), and crafts from all over the world. Besides an equally diverse entertainment schedule as its summery counterpart, winter Tollwood also includes a kids' programme, and the so called World Salon. Panel discussions are supposed to draw visitors' attention to important issues of the future. Furthermore, a big New Year's Eve gala takes place within the course of the festival.

Historical Information

A variety of plays and shows keep the visitors entertained.
Foto: Close Act Theatre A variety of plays and shows keep the visitors entertained.

Tollwood Festival first took place at Olympiapark South in summer 1988. Four years later, the winter festival emerged. It was first held at the Roncalli grounds, later at Arnulfpark, and finally moved to Theresienwiese in 2000.

Tollwood Festival is organised by Tollwood GmbH, a private organisation for cultural events and environmental activities. It includes a profit and a non-profit branch, whence the Market of Ideas finances a majority of the cultural events and ecological projects of the company. Furthermore, a number of sponsors are involved.


How to get there

The summer festival at Olympiapark.
Foto: Bernd Wackerbauer The summer festival at Olympiapark.

Summer Festival

In the summer, Tollwood Festival takes place on the premises of Olympiapark South. The operators kindly ask visitors to make use of public transport. To encourage this, all tickets for events within the festival premises are valid as a return ticket for all MVV transportation from 3 hours before admittance on the respective day. There is a number of connections from all over the city. Stations close to the festival include Goethe-Institut, Elisabeth-Kohn-Straße, or Olympiaberg.

Winter Festival

In the winter, Tollwood Festival takes place at Theresienwiese in Munich. Again, the use of public transport is highly encouraged. Tickets for all events double as a return ticket for public transport. Subway station Theresienwiese is serviced by lines U4 and U5. Further stations are located around the premises, including Schwanthalerhöhe, Theresienhöhe, Georg-Hirth-Platz, and Goetheplatz.


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Tollwood GmbH
Waisenhausstr. 20 (Nordflügel)
Phone089-38 38 50 0
Fax089-38 38 50 20
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